Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm leavng on a jet plane...

Well, the date is looming closer and I am getting more and more anxious for my big trip. As of right now, I have 33 days until I leave sunny San Diego for 6 months. First, I am headed to Ireland for a conference (and then a little extra time off in the Emerald Isle with Taylor).

On June 21 I fly home to Florida! I will be in and around central Florida until June 26...then I'm off to Lima for one night (to drop off lab supplies) and then to Cusco, Peru for my 2 week Spanish immersion class. I will be staying with a family and taking intensive Spanish for 2 weeks round the clock....then, LIMA!

I will start my stay in Lima on July 10th....

So to recap:
June 5th: Leave San Diego
June 6th: Arrive in Dublin, Ireland
June 7th-11th: "Innate Immunity: Mechanisms Linking with Adaptive Immunity" Conference at Trinity College in Dublin Ireland
June 12th-June 21st: Traveling Ireland with Taylor

June 21st: Arrive in Orlando!

June 26th: Depart from Miami for Peru (overnight in Lima)
June 27th: Arrive in Cusco and take a 2 week Spanish class
July 10th: Lima, Peru for good!

Should be an awesome adventure, I can't wait!