AHHH!! I feel so unprepared!
Here are the things I decided I'm bringing with me so far (other than clothing).
Let me know if you can think of anything else essential that I'm missing!
I picked this stuff up at Wally World last
- Electricity converter
- Microfiber towel (for drying cars! ;)
- Mini umbrella (with a flashlight in the handle!!)
- Hand sanitizer
- Combination lock for my locker in the hostel
- Suntan lotion
- Face wipes, for cleaning up without soap and water
- Mini packets of Tide - for washing clothes in the sink!
- A pack of cards for those long train rides
- Pepto Bismol tablets, haha
- Advil!
- Lots of Band-Aids....we all know my graceful tendencies
Anyone know where we can get international calling cards before we leave?
Any other suggestions for packing?
Trying not to freak out (in a good way),
PS- Looks like we may add Brussels to the travels on the way from London to Amsterdam. I couldn't pass up any city with a chocolate museum!